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How to Track Heart Rate to Excel

Compuer lab�� ����������� Your Pulse and Your Target Heart Rate

Name ___________�����������������������_

What is your pulse?
Your pulse is your heart rate, or the number of times your heart beats in one minute. Pulse rates vary from person to person. Your pulse is lower when you are at rest and increases when you exercise (because more oxygen-rich blood is needed by the body when you exercise).

Knowing how to take your pulse can help you evaluate your exercise program.

How to take your pulse
Place the tips of your index, second, and third fingers on the palm side of your other wrist, below the base of the thumb. Or, place the tips of your index and second fingers on your lower neck, on either side of your windpipe. (See the illustrations to the right.)

2. Press lightly with your fingers until you feel the blood pulsing beneath your fingers. You might need to move your fingers around slightly up or down until you feel the pulsing.

3. Use a watch with a second hand, or look at a clock with a second hand.

4. Count the beats you feel for 10 seconds. Multiply this number by six to get your heart rate (pulse) per minute.

Check your pulse: _______________ x 6 = ________________
                      (beats in 10 seconds)          (your pulse)

What is a normal pulse?

Age Group

Normal Heart Rate at Rest

Children (ages 6-15)

70-100 beats per minute

Adults (age 18 and over)

60-100 beats per minute

What is maximum heart rate?
The maximum heart rate is the highest your pulse rate can get. To calculate your predicted maximum heart rate, use this formula:

220 - Your Age = Predicted Maximum Heart Rate

Example: a 40-year-old's predicted maximum heart rate is 180.

Your actual maximum heart rate can be determined by a graded exercise test.

Please note that some medicines and medical conditions might affect your maximum heart rate. If you are taking medicines or have a medical condition (such as heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes), always ask your doctor if your maximum heart rate/target heart rate will be affected.  If so, your heart rate ranges for exercise should be prescribed by your doctor or an exercise specialist.

Target heart rate
You gain the most benefits and lessen the risks when you exercise in your target heart rate zone. Usually this is when your exercise heart rate (pulse) is 60 percent to 80 percent of your maximum heart rate. In some cases, your health care provider might decrease your target heart rate zone to begin with 50 percent.

Do not exercise above 85 percent of your maximum heart rate. This increases both cardiovascular and orthopedic risk and does not add any extra benefit.

Always check with your health care provider before starting an exercise program. Your health care provider can help you find a program and target heart rate zone that match your needs, goals, and physical condition.

When beginning an exercise program, you might need to gradually build up to a level that is within your target heart rate zone, especially if you have not exercised regularly before. If the exercise feels too hard, slow down. You will reduce your risk of injury and enjoy the exercise more if you don't try to over-do it.

To find out if you are exercising in your target zone (between 60 percent and 80 percent of your maximum heart rate), stop exercising and check your 10-second pulse. If your pulse is below your target zone (see the chart below), increase your rate of exercise. If your pulse is above your target zone, decrease your rate of exercise.


Target Heart Rate (HR) Zone (60-85%)

Predicted Maximum Heart Rate


































Your actual values

Target HR

Max. HR

Exercise, Target Heart Rates, and Excel

Now that you know how to find your pulse and you know your target heart rate zone, let's see how close your pulse is to your THR zone after one minute of exercise.

Step 1: Find your resting heart rate and record on a sheet of paper. (Note: This is your heart rate at time = 0.)

Step 2: Walk as fast and a quiet as you can down the hall for one minute.Take your heart rate again.��� (Note: This is your heart rate at time = 1.)

Step 3: Open Microsoft Excel.

Step 4: Enter your data as shown below.

Step 5: Click on cell A-1 and drag the mouse to cell B-3.

Step 6: Now we are ready to graph. Click on the chart wizard icon.

Step 7: In the window that appears, we are going to plot the points. Click XY-Scatter and hit Next.

Step 8: In the Data Range tab, choose Series in: Columns. Click Next.

Step 9: Click the Titles tab, and input:

Note:Put your name in the title also


Step 10: Click on the Data Labels tab and select Show Value. Click Finish.

Sample graph:

We have now plotted the points for our graph. Now, it's time to draw a line through the two points.

Step 11: Right-click on one of the data points. Choose Add Trendline...

Step 12: In the window that appears, choose Linear and hit OK. Your done.Print and turn in.

Q &A�� 1. Was your exercise heart rate in your target heart rate zone? If not, what does this mean? _______________________________________________________________

2. Do you think athletes take longer to reach their target heart rates compared to a regular person? Why or why not? ______________________________________________________________________

How to Track Heart Rate to Excel
